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School Day

School Day & Opening Times

Edith Weston Academy School hours

Gates Open 08:45
School Starts and registers are taken 08:55
School Gates close 08:55
Lunch 12:00 to 13:00
School Finishes 15:25


Any children who are not in class by 08:55 will be marked as late and will be monitored by the Headteacher and attendance officer. Any children who arrive after 08:55 must come to the office and the caregiver must confirm the late drop off as the gate to the playground will be closed.

We ask parents who are dropping off and collecting to park in the village and not to use the staff carpark unless the Headteacher has discussed this with yourself. There are spaces available along Weston Road, and we have the support of the local community and police monitoring parking on the zig zags. We teach the children road safety and we would like all parents to respect and show this.

Scooters and bikes may be left in the covered bike shelter at the entrance of school, while our school gates are shut we do not take responsibility for items left in the bike shelter.

Your children must be collected promptly from their classroom or after school club. Delays in collecting result in causing further delays for staff. If normal arrangements are altered please contact the office or inform your child's class teacher. We will not allow your child to go home with someone or walk home on their own else unless we have been notified.

Should your child need to take any prescribed medicines whilst at school it will be administered by a member of staff, on a voluntary basis. You must complete a medicine form which needs to be collected and returned to the office.