CEO: Mr Craig Charteris
Headteacher : Mrs Ellie Kapler
If you need to contact the school please contact our office team on 01780 720025
The school's Special Needs Co-ordinator is: Miss Laura Spiers
The Designated safeguarding Lead are: Mrs Ellie Kapler and Mrs Elaine horton.
For Safeguarding information go to
Our Safeguarding Page
If you would like to contact the Local Governing Body please email:
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Edith Weston Academy is part of Brooke Hill Academy Trust Limited
The Chair of Trustees and Governing Body of Brooke Hill Academy Trust is Mr Simon Foulkes.
If you would like to contact Mr Foulkes, please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
or telephone the school office on 01572 724214
Trust Website:
If you require a paper copy of any of the school information we can provide this free of charge.
Our Data Protection Officer (DPO) is Mr John Walker.